- The Shebbel, or Barbary salmon; different characters of
exports of the Northern and Southern provinces. - The Elaeonderron
Argan. - Various trees and plants. - Mines. - The Sherb-Errech, or
Division of Morocco into kingdoms or States, and zones or regions. -
Description of the towns and cities on the Maroquine coasts of the
Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. - The Zafarine Isles. - Melilla. -
Alhucemas. - Penon de Velez. - Tegaza. - Provinces of Rif and Garet. -
Tetouan. - Ceuta. - Arzila. - El Araish. - Mehedia. - Salee. - Rabat. -
Fidallah. - Dar-el-Beidah. - Azamour. - Mazagran. - Saffee. - Waladia.
Description of the Imperial Cities or Capitals of the Empire. -
El-Kesar. - Mequinez. - Fez. - Morocco. - The province of Tafilett, the
birth-place of the present dynasty of the Shereefs.
Description of the towns and cities of the Interior, and those of the
Kingdom of Fez. - Seisouan. - Wazen. - Zawiat. - Muley Dris. - Sofru. -
Dubdu. - Taza. - Oushdah. - Agla. - Nakbila. - Meshra. - Khaluf. - The Places
distinguished in. Morocco, including Sous, Draka, and Tafilett. - Tefza.
- Pitideb. - Ghuer. - Tyijet. - Bulawan. - Soubeit - Meramer. - El-Medina. -
Tagodast. - Dimenet. - Aghmat. - Fronga. - Tedmest. - Tekonlet. - Tesegdelt. -
Tagawost. - Tedsi Beneali. - Beni Sabih. - Tatta and Akka. - Mesah or
Assah. - Talent. - Shtouka. - General observations on the statistics of
population. - The Maroquine Sahara.
London Jew-boys. - Excursion to the Emperor's garden, and the Argan
Forests. - Another interview with the Governor of Mogador on the
Anti-Slavery Address. - Opinion of the Moors on the Abolition of Slavery.
El-Jereed, the Country of Dates.