Rionga's island, 80 feet above the Nile . . . 3,864
Jan. 25. Karuma, below the falls, river level Atadaj. . 3,996
Jan. 31. South of Karuma, river level on road to M'rooli 4,056
Feb. 21. M'rooli lat. 1 degree 38' river level . . . . . . 4,061Ft.
Mar. 14. Albert N'yanza, lake level . . . . . . . . . . . 2,720Ft.
April 7. Island of Patooan (Shooa Moru) river level. . . . 3,195Ft.
By these observations it will be seen that from M'rooli, in lat. 1
degree 38' to Karuma in lat. 2 degree 15', there is a fall of sixty-
five feet; say MINUS five feet, for the Karuma Falls equals sixty feet
fall in 37' of latitude; or allowing for the great bend of the river,
twenty miles of extra course, it will be equal to about sixty statute
miles of actual river from M'rooli to Atada or Karuma Falls, showing a
fall or one foot per mile. From M'rooli to the head of the Karuma Falls
the river is navigable; thus the observations of altitudes showing a
fall of one foot per mile must be extremely accurate.
The next observations to be compared are those from Karuma Falls
throughout the westerly course of the river to the Albert lake: -
River level below Karuma Falls . . . . . . . . 3,996 feet
Rionga's island 3,864 - 80 feet cliff . . . . . 3,784
= 212 fall. to the west.
River level at island of Patooan (Shooa Moru). 3,195
= 589 fall. from Rionga's island.
Level of Albert lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,720
= 475 fall.