Physician in General - Influence gained over the People - Katchiba is
applied to for Rain - "Are you a Rainmaker?" - Katchiba takes Counsel's
Opinion - Successful Case - Night-watch for Elephants - Elephant killed
- Dimensions of the Elephant - Wild Boars - Start for the South - Mrs.
Baker thrown from her Ox - The Asua River - Stalking Mehedehet Antelope
- A Prairie Fire - Tracking an Antelope - Turks' Standard-bearer killed
- Arrival at Shooa - The Neighbourhood of Shooa - Fruitfulness of Shooa
- Cultivation and Granaries - Absconding of Obbo Porters - "Wheels
within Wheels" - Difficulty in starting South - Departure from Shooa -
Fatiko Levee - Boundless Prairies - Fire the Prairies - Deceit of the
Guide - Arrive at the Victoria Nile - Arrive at Rionga's Country - Start
for Karuma - The Karuma Falls - Welcome by Kamrasi's People - Passage of
the River forbidden - To await Reply of Kamrasi - The Natives' Dread of
Kamrasi - They hold a Conference - Resolve to cross the River alone -
The Ferry of Atada - Reception by Keedja - I lull the Suspicions of the
Natives - Appellations of Speke and Grant - Freemasonry of Unyoro -
Native Curiosity - The Bark Cloth of Unyoro - Comparative Civilization
of Unyoros - Native Pottery - The Bottle Gourds used as Models - "Great
Men never in a Hurry to pay Visits" - Pronounced to be Speke's Brother -
The Escort cross the River - Neatness of the Natives in packing - Native
Manufactures - March parallel with the Victoria Nile - Severe Illness of
Mrs. Baker - March to the Capital - Kamrasi suspects Treachery - Arrive
at last at the Capital - Imprisoned on the Marsh - Expectation of an
Attack - Kamrasi makes a State Visit - Conversation with the King - His
Reception of my Presents - Another Interview with Kamrasi - Exchange
Blood and become Friends - Avarice of the King - Permitted to leave our
Fever-bed - Ibrahim and Party return North - Sulkiness of Bacheeta -
Attempt to barter for Speke's Rifle - Rapacity of the Chiefs.
Despicable Conduct of the King - Pertinacity of Kamrasi - Kamrasi's
Infamous Proposal - Resentment of the King's Insolence - The King's
Apology - Expectation of a Fight - Kamrasi's Satanic Escort - The Rout
at a Gun-shot - A disagreeable Escort - Passage of the Kafoor - Mrs.
Baker receives a Sun-stroke - Dismissal of the brutal Escort - Misery
and Distress - Return to Consciousness, but afflicted with Brain-fever
The Sugarcane indigenous - Unyoro People clean Feeders - Close to the
Lake - Discovery of the Albert N'yanza - Gratitude to Providence -
Denominate it "The Albert N'yanza" - Fishing Tackle - The Lake declared
to be the Sea - Feast in honour of the Discovery - Survey of the Lake -
Geography of the Lake - Countries bordering the Lake - The Great Basin
of the Nile - Sources of the Nile - Affluents of the Albert Lake - Our
whole party Fever-stricken - Yearning for Home - Arrange Canoes for Lake
Voyage - Start from Vacovia - Voyage upon the Lake - Shore Encampment -
Deserted by the Boatmen - No Pilot - Endeavour to civilize the Canoes -
Adapt a Scotch Plaid for a Sail - Natives volunteer as Boatmen - Storm
on the Lake - Nearly swamped - Land safely on Shore - Falls of the
Kaiigiri River - Shoot a Crocodile - Taste of Crocodile Flesh -
Discomforts of Lake Voyage - Elephants in the Lake - Inhospitable
Natives - Procure Supplies - The Lake changes its character - Arrival at
Magungo - Embouchure of the Somerset River - Fish and Fishing - The
Baggera and Lepidosiren Annecteus - Native Fishing Arrangements - Exit
of the Nile from the Lake - Nile navigable from Lake to Madi - The
Victoria Nile at Magungo - Determination to settle Nile Question - Nobly
seconded by Mrs. Baker - Leave Magungo - Voyage up the Victoria Nile -
Stricken again with Fever - Guided by Waterplants - Numerous Crocodiles
- The Murchison Falls - Hippopotamus charges the Canoe - Narrow Escape
from Crocodiles - Arrival of Oxen, but not the Guide - Loss of Oxen from
Fly-bite - Sickness on the March - The Island of Patooan - Information
about Ibrahim - Difference in the Level - Difference in Observations -
Confined in the Country - Determine to proceed - Deserted by the Natives
- Discovery of a "Tullaboon" Granary - Misery at Shooa Moru - Hard Fare
- Preparation for Death - Kamrasi's Tactics - The Bait takes - We are
carried to the King's Camp - Rejoin the Turks' Detachment - Their
Welcome - Kamrasi seeks my Alliance - Deception of Kamrasi - M'Gambi has
impersonated the King - The real Kamrasi - Prefer seeing Meat to a King
- The begging Envoy - Carried to the Camp of Kamrasi - Introduction to
the real King - Description of Kamrasi - The Native Court
System of Fattening - Native Preparations of Food - Native Manufactures
- Knavery of Native Butter-dealers - Vapour Bath for Fever - State Visit
from the King - Mendicancy again - The King in love with a Tooth-comb -
Effect of concave Mirror - Attempts at Ancient History - Kamrasi's
Request - Kamrasi affronted - Sudden Invasion of the Country - Alarm and
Cowardice of Kamrasi - The British Flag protects Unyoro - Diplomatic
Arrangement - Conference with Debono's Party - Settle authoritatively
all Objections - Retreat of the Invaders.
The pertinacious Beggar - Summary Justice for High Treason - Arrival of
Ivory for the Turks - Frightful Barbarities upon Captives - The Female
Captives - Treacherous Murder of Sali - Disputes with Kamrasi - Advice
to Kamrasi - The Turks begin to bully - Eddrees refused Admittance at
Court - Communicate with Ibrahim - Drunkenness among the Unyoros -
Native Sorcerers - Implicit Belief in Sorcerers - Invasion of the M'Was
- Consulted by the King in the Extremity - Kamrasi will not Fight - An
invigorating little Difficulty - Mock Valour by Unyoros - Kamrasi's
Retreat - We are Deserted - Prepare for Retreat - Leave Kisoona - Arrive
at Deang - No Water - Deserted again by the Porters - Richarn missing -
Richarn reported as killed - The M'Was' Drums beat - March to Foweera -
The Night Retreat - Lose the Road - At a Loss for direct Route - Capture
a Native - Recover the Route - Exhaustion of Mrs. Baker - Arrive at
Foweera - Well prepared - Refuse to assist Kamrasi - Richarn's Return -
Richarn's Story - The King in Distress - Arrival of Ibrahim with
Reinforcements - Receive Letters and Papers from Home - Kamrasi "is
himself again" - Invasion of the Langgo Country - The Whisky Distillery
- Kamrasi tries the Whisky - Butcheries by Kamrasi - Kamrasi orders the
Murder of Kalloe - Attempt to save Kalloe - Pursuit and Capture of Kalloe
- I intercede on his behalf - Death of a Headman - Shot by order of
Kamrasi - The Warning - The Bodyguard