The choragus
has fallen on his knees, and dips his head two or three times in an
excavation in the ground, and a choir, also on their knees, repeat
in dolorous tones the last words of a slow and solemn refrain. The
words are literally translated: -
Choragus. Oh-oh-oh! the white man is going home!
Choir. Oh-oh-oh! going home!
Going home, oh-oh-oh!
Choragus. To the happy island on the sea,
Where the beads are plenty, oh-oh-oh!
Choir. Oh-oh-oh! where the beads are plenty,
Choragus. While Singiri has kept us, oh, very long
From our homes very long, oh-oh-oh.!
Choir From our homes, oh-oh-oh!
Choragus. And we have had no food for very long -
We are half-starved, oh, for so long!
Bana Singiri!
Choir. For so very long, oh-oh-oh!
Bana Singiri-Singiri!
Singiri! oh, Singiri
Choragus. Mirambo has gone to war
To fight against the Arabs;
The Arabs and Wangwana
Have gone to fight Mirambo!
Choir Oh-oh-oh! to fight Mirambo!
Oh, Mirambo! Mirambo
Oh, to fight Mirambo!
Choragus. But the white man will make us glad,
He is going home!