Where is Sayd, the son of Majid? Kisesa is in
Zanzibar, and Sayd, the son of Majid, is in Ujiji, as yet
ignorant that his son has fallen in the forest of Wilyankuru.
Shaw is improving fast. I am unsuccessful as yet in procuring
soldiers. I almost despair of ever being able to move from here.
It is such a drowsy, sleepy, slow, dreaming country. Arabs,
Wangwana, Wanyamwezi, are all alike - all careless how time flies.
Their to-morrow means sometimes within a month. To me it is
simply maddening.
August 30th. - Shaw will not work. I cannot get him to stir
himself. I have petted him and coaxed him; I have even cooked
little luxuries for him myself. And, while I am straining
every nerve to get ready for Ujiji, Shaw is satisfied with
looking on listlessly. What a change from the ready-handed bold
man he was at Zanzibar!
I sat down by his side to-day with my palm and needle in order
to encourage him, and to-day, for the first time, I told him of
the real nature of my mission. I told him that I did not care
about the geography of the country half as much as I cared about
FINDING LIVINGSTONE! I told him, for the first time,
"Now, my dear Shaw, you think probably that I have been sent here
to find the depth of the Tanganika.