A present, he said, was due to him of course, but of
more importance than the present was his wish to see me. Baraka
and all the men begged I would give in, as they were sure he must
be a good man to send such a kind message. I strove in vain, for
no one would lift a load unless I complied; so, perforce, I went
there, in company, however, with Mfumbi, who now pretended to be
great friends; but what was the result? On entering the palace
we were shown into a cowyard without a tree in it, or any shade;
and no one was allowed to sell us food until a present of
friendship was paid, after which the hongo would be discussed.
The price of friendship was not settled that day, however, and my
men had to go supperless to bed. Baraka offered him one common
cloth, and then another - all of which he rejected with such
impetuosity that Baraka said his head was all on a whirl. Makaka
insisted he would have a deole, or nothing at all. I protested I
had no deoles I could give him; for all the expensive cloths
which I had brought from the coast had been stolen in Mgunda
Mkhali. I had three, however, concealed at the time - which I had
bought from Musa, at forty dollars each - intended for the kings
of Karague and Uganda.
Incessant badgering went on for hours and hours, until at last
Baraka, clean done with the incessant worry of this hot-headed
young chief, told him, most unfortunately, he would see again if
he could find a deole, as he had one of his own.