The Discovery of The Source of the Nile by John Hanning Speke  

 -   Much surprised at the
various articles composing our kit, he remarked that our
sleeping-clothes - blankets - were much better than - Page 145
The Discovery of The Source of the Nile by John Hanning Speke - Page 145 of 767 - First - Home

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Much Surprised At The Various Articles Composing Our Kit, He Remarked That Our "Sleeping-Clothes" - Blankets - Were Much Better Than His Royal Robes; But Of All Things That Amused Him Most Were Our Picture- Books, Especially Some Birds Drawn By Wolf.

Everything still seemed going against me; for on the following day (24th) Musa's men came in from Rungua to

Say the Watuta were "out." They had just seized fifty head of cattle from Rungua, and the people were in such a state of alarm they dared not leave their homes and families. I knew not what to do, for there was no hope left but in what Baraka might bring; and as that even would be insufficient, I sent Musa's men into Kaze, to increase the original number by thirty men more.

Patience, thank God, I had a good stock of, so I waited quietly until the 30th, when I was fairly upset by the arrival of a letter from Kaze, stating that Baraka had arrived, and had been very insolent both to Musa and to Sheikh Said. The bearer of the letter was at once to go and search for porters at Rungua, but not a word was said about the armed men I had ordered. At the same time reports from the other side came in, to the effect that the Arabs at Kaze and Msene had bribed the Watuta to join them, and overrun the whole country from Ugogo to Usui; and, in consequence of this, all the natives on the line I should have to take were in such dread of that terrible wandering race of savages, who had laid waste in turn all the lands from N'yassa to Usui on their west flank, that not a soul dared leave his home.

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