Sekeletu, however, lived long enough to receive and
acknowledge goods to the value of 50 pounds, sent, in lieu of those
which remained in Tette, by Robert Moffat, jun., since dead.
{5} A brother, we believe, of one who accompanied Burke and Willis in
the famous but unfortunate Australian Expedition.
{6} Genesis, chap. iii., verses 21 and 23, "make coats of skins, and
clothed them" - "sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the
ground" imply teaching. Vide Archbishop Whately's "History of
Religious Worship." John W. Parker, West Strand, London, 1849.
{7} "In 1854 the native church at Sierra-Leone undertook to pay for
their primary schools, and thereby effected a saving to the Church
Missionary Society of 800 pounds per annum. In 1861 the
contributions of this one section of native Christians had amounted
to upwards of 10,000 pounds." - "Manual of Church Missionary Society's
African Missions."
End of The Zambesi and Its Tributaries by David Livingstone