Augitic porphyry and basalt,
.| with tufa over it.
Place of Great Cataract.
MICA SCHIST. White mica schist dipping west, and gneiss.
5000 feet. Kalomo.
Water boils GRANITE. With black mica.
at 202 Deg.
MICA SCHIST. White mica schist and white marble.
Hill tops TRAP. Hot fountain; conical hills of igneous rocks,
4000 feet. containing much mica.
Bottoms 3500 feet.
MICA SCHIST. Pink marble dolomite,
on hills of mica schist, of various colours, with trap,
schorl in gneiss, kyanite or disthene gneissose mica
in the schist.
1500 ft. COAL IN SANDSTONE. Specular and magnetic iron
on various igneous rocks; finely laminated porphyry;
granite; hot fountain.
Sandstone overlying coal; trap dykes;
syenitic porphyry dykes; black vesicular trap,
penetrating in thin veins the clay shale of the country,
converting it into porcellanite, and partially
crystallizing the coal. On this sandstone
lie fossil palms, and coniferous trees
converted into silica, as on a similar rock in Angola.
IGNEOUS ROCKS. Trappean rocks, with hot fountain.
CALCAREOUS TUFA. Arkose, or granitic grit,
with modern shells covered by calcareous tufa.
The heights are given as an approximation obtained from observing
the boiling point of water, they are drawn on a scale of 1/10 of an inch
per 1000 feet in altitude.