Of the inhabitants here were cut down, usually in three days
from their first attack, until a native doctor adopted the plan
of scratching the root of the tongue freely with a certain root,
and giving a piece of it to be chewed. The cure may have been effected
by the scarification only, but the Portuguese have the strongest faith
in the virtues of the root, and always keep some of it within reach.
There are also other plants which the natives use in the treatment of fever,
and some of them produce `diaphoresis' in a short space of time.
It is certain that we have got the knowledge of the most potent febrifuge
in our pharmacopoeia from the natives of another country.
We have no cure for cholera and some other diseases. It might be worth
the investigation of those who visit Africa to try and find other remedies
in a somewhat similar way to that in which we found the quinine.*
* I add the native names of a few of their remedies in order to assist
the inquirer: Mupanda panda: this is used in fever
for producing perspiration; the leaves are named Chirussa;
the roots dye red, and are very astringent. Goho or Go-o:
this is the ordeal medicine; it is both purgative and emetic.
Mutuva or Mutumbue: this plant contains so much oil
that it serves as lights in Londa; it is an emollient drink
for the cure of coughs, and the pounded leaves answer as soap
to wash the head. Nyamucu ucu has a curious softening effect
on old dry grain. Mussakasi is believed to remove the effects of the Go-o.
Mudama is a stringent vermifuge. Mapubuza dyes a red color.
Musikizi yields an oil. Shinkondo: a virulent poison;
the Maravi use it in their ordeal, and it is very fatal.
Kanunka utare is said to expel serpents and rats by its pungent smell,
which is not at all disagreeable to man; this is probably
a kind of `Zanthoxylon', perhaps the Z. melancantha of Western Africa,
as it is used to expel rats and serpents there. Mussonzoa dyes cloth black.
Mussio: the beans of this also dye black. Kangome, with flowers and fruit
like Mocha coffee; the leaves are much like those of the sloe,
and the seeds are used as coffee or eaten as beans.
Kanembe-embe: the pounded leaves used as an extemporaneous glue
for mending broken vessels. Katunguru is used for killing fish.
Mutavea Nyerere: an active caustic. Mudiacoro: also an external caustic,
and used internally. Kapande: another ordeal plant, but used
to produce `diaphoresis'. Karumgasura: also diaphoretic.
Munyazi yields an oil, and is one of the ingredients for curing
the wounds of poisoned arrows. Uombue: a large root employed
in killing fish. Kakumate: used in intermittents. Musheteko:
applied to ulcers, and the infusion also internally in amenorrhoea.