Chapter 6.
Kuruman - Its Fine Fountain - Vegetation Of The District -
Remains Of Ancient Forests - Vegetable Poison -
The Bible Translated By
Mr. Moffat - Capabilities of the Language -
Christianity among the Natives - The Missionaries should extend
their Labors more beyond the Cape
Colony - Model Christians -
Disgraceful Attack of the Boers on the Bakwains - Letter from Sechele -
Details of the Attack - Numbers of School-children carried away
into Slavery - Destruction of House and Property at Kolobeng -
The Boers vow Vengeance against me - Consequent Difficulty of getting
Servants to accompany me on my Journey - Start in November, 1852 -
Meet Sechele on his way to England to obtain Redress from the Queen -
He is unable to proceed beyond the Cape - Meet Mr. Macabe
on his Return from Lake Ngami - The hot Wind of the Desert -
Electric State of the Atmosphere - Flock of Swifts -
Reach Litubaruba - The Cave Lepelole - Superstitions regarding it -
Impoverished State of the Bakwains - Retaliation on the Boers -
Slavery - Attachment of the Bechuanas to Children -
Hydrophobia unknown - Diseases of the Bakwains few in number -
Yearly Epidemics - Hasty Burials - Ophthalmia - Native Doctors -
Knowledge of Surgery at a very low Ebb - Little Attendance given to Women
at their Confinements - The "Child Medicine" - Salubrity of the Climate
well adapted for Invalids suffering from pulmonary Complaints.
Chapter 7.
Departure from the Country of the Bakwains - Large black Ant -
Land Tortoises - Diseases of wild Animals - Habits of old Lions -
Cowardice of the Lion - Its Dread of a Snare - Major Vardon's Note -
The Roar of the Lion resembles the Cry of the Ostrich -
Seldom attacks full-grown Animals - Buffaloes and Lions -
Mice - Serpents - Treading on one - Venomous and harmless Varieties -
Fascination - Sekomi's Ideas of Honesty - Ceremony of the Sechu for Boys
- The Boyale for young Women - Bamangwato Hills - The Unicorn's Pass -
The Country beyond - Grain - Scarcity of Water - Honorable Conduct
of English Gentlemen - Gordon Cumming's hunting Adventures -
A Word of Advice for young Sportsmen - Bushwomen drawing Water -
Ostrich - Silly Habit - Paces - Eggs - Food.
Chapter 8.
Effects of Missionary Efforts - Belief in the Deity -
Ideas of the Bakwains on Religion - Departure from their Country -
Salt-pans - Sour Curd - Nchokotsa - Bitter Waters -
Thirst suffered by the wild Animals - Wanton Cruelty in Hunting -
Ntwetwe - Mowana-trees - Their extraordinary Vitality -
The Mopane-tree - The Morala - The Bushmen - Their Superstitions -
Elephant-hunting - Superiority of civilized over barbarous Sportsmen -
The Chief Kaisa - His Fear of Responsibility - Beauty of the Country
at Unku - The Mohonono Bush - Severe Labor in cutting our Way -
Party seized with Fever - Escape of our Cattle -
Bakwain Mode of recapturing them - Vagaries of sick Servants -
Discovery of grape-bearing Vines - An Ant-eater -
Difficulty of passing through the Forest - Sickness of my Companion -
The Bushmen - Their Mode of destroying Lions - Poisons -
The solitary Hill - A picturesque Valley - Beauty of the Country -
Arrive at the Sanshureh River - The flooded Prairies -
A pontooning Expedition - A night Bivouac - The Chobe -
Arrive at the Village of Moremi - Surprise of the Makololo
at our sudden Appearance - Cross the Chobe on our way to Linyanti.
Chapter 9.
Reception at Linyanti - The court Herald - Sekeletu obtains
the Chieftainship from his Sister - Mpepe's Plot - Slave-trading Mambari
- Their sudden Flight - Sekeletu narrowly escapes Assassination -
Execution of Mpepe - The Courts of Law - Mode of trying Offenses -
Sekeletu's Reason for not learning to read the Bible -
The Disposition made of the Wives of a deceased Chief -
Makololo Women - They work but little - Employ Serfs -
Their Drink, Dress, and Ornaments - Public Religious Services in the Kotla
- Unfavorable Associations of the place - Native Doctors -
Proposals to teach the Makololo to read - Sekeletu's Present -
Reason for accepting it - Trading in Ivory - Accidental Fire -
Presents for Sekeletu - Two Breeds of native Cattle -
Ornamenting the Cattle - The Women and the Looking-glass -
Mode of preparing the Skins of Oxen for Mantles and for Shields -
Throwing the Spear.
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