First Footsteps In East Africa; Or, An Exploration Of Harar. By Richard F. Burton


[14] It is afterwards stored in deep dry holes, which are carefully
covered to keep out rats and insects; thus - Page 141
First Footsteps In East Africa; Or, An Exploration Of Harar. By Richard F. Burton - Page 141 of 249 - First - Home

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[14] It Is Afterwards Stored In Deep Dry Holes, Which Are Carefully Covered To Keep Out Rats And Insects; Thus The Grain Is Preserved Undamaged For Three Or Four Years.

[15] This word is applied to the cultivated districts, the granaries of Somali land.

[16] "The huge raven with gibbous or inflated beak and white nape," writes Mr. Blyth, "is the corvus crassirostris of Ruppell, and, together with a nearly similar Cape species, is referred to the genus Corvultur of Leason."

[17] In these hills it is said sometimes to freeze; I never saw ice.

[18] It is a string of little silver bells and other ornaments made by the Arabs at Berberah.

[19] Harari, Somali and Galla, besides Arabic, and other more civilized dialects.

[20] The Negroes of Senegal and the Hottentots use wooden mortars. At Natal and amongst the Amazulu Kafirs, the work is done with slabs and rollers like those described above.

[21] In the Eastern World this well-known fermentation is generally called "Buzab," whence the old German word "busen" and our "booze." The addition of a dose of garlic converts it into an emetic.

[22] The Somal will not kill these plundering brutes, like the Western Africans believing them to be enchanted men.

[23] Some years ago Adan plundered one of Sharmarkay's caravans; repenting the action, he offered in marriage a daughter, who, however, died before nuptials.

[24] Gisti is a "princess" in Harari, equivalent to the Somali Geradah.

[25] They are, however, divided into clans, of which the following are the principal:--

1. Bahawiyah, the race which supplies the Gerads. 2. Abu Tunis (divided into ten septs). 3. Rer Ibrahim (similarly divided). 4. Jibril. 5. Bakasiyya. 6. Rer Muhmud. 7. Musa Dar. 8. Rer Auro. 9. Rer Walembo. 10. Rer Khalid.

[26] I do not describe these people, the task having already been performed by many abler pens than mine.

[27] They are divided into the Bah Ambaro (the chief's family) and the Shaykhashed.

[28] The only specimen of stunted humanity seen by me in the Somali country. He was about eighteen years old, and looked ten.

[29] At first I thought of writing it in Arabic; but having no seal, a _sine qua non_ in an Eastern letter, and reflecting upon the consequences of detection or even suspicion, it appeared more politic to come boldly forward as a European.

[30] It belongs, I was informed, to two clans of Gallas, who year by year in turn monopolise the profits.

[31] Of this tree are made the substantial doors, the basins and the porringers of Harar.

[32] The Webbe Shebayli or Haines River.

[33] This scarecrow is probably a talisman. In the Saharah, according to Richardson, the skull of an ass averts the evil eye from gardens.

[34] The following is a table of our stations, directions, and distances:--

Miles 1. From Zayla to Gudingaras S.E. 165° 19 2. To Kuranyali 145° 8 3. To Adad 225° 25 4. To Damal 205° 11 5.

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