The wound did not bleed freely,
therefore it was next to impossible to follow up the blood-track;
thus a large proportion of wounded animals escaped.
I saw, and shot, thirteen varieties of antelopes while in Africa.
Upon arrival at Khartoum, I met Herr von Heuglin, who commanded
the expedition in search of Dr. Vogel; he was an industrious
naturalist, who had been many years in the Soudan and in
Abyssinia. We compared notes of all we had seen and done, and he
very kindly supplied me with a list of all the antelopes that he
had been able to trace as existing in Abyssinia and the Soudan;
he now included my maarif, which he had never met with, and which
he agreed was a new species. In the following list, which is an
exact copy of that which he had arranged, those marked with an
asterisk are species that I have myself shot:--
Catalogue des especes du genre "ANTILOPE," observees en Egypte,
dans la Nubie, au Soudan orientale et en Abissinie.
A.--GAZELLA, Blains.
1.--Spec. G. Dorcas.* Arab. Ghasal.
2.--G. Arabica,* Ehr. A la cote de la Mer rouge.
3.--G. Loevipes, Sund. Arab. Abou Horabet? Nubie, Taka, Sennaar,
4.--G. spec. (?) en Tigreh Choquen (Bogos).
5.--G. Dama,* Licht.