I immediately went off in a rowing boat, and, after much
difficulty, I succeeded in inducing some of the natives who could speak
Arabic to stop and converse with me. They declared that the Turks had
attacked them without provocation, and that the Koordi (as the governor
of Fashoda was called) had stolen many of their women and children, and
had killed their people, as he was generally plundering the country. I
begged the natives not to fly from their district, but to wait until I
should make inquiries on the following day; and I promised to restore
the women and children, should they have been kidnapped.
"I halted at a forest about nine miles from the junction of the Bahr
Giraffe, where a bend of the river concealed the steamers and diahbeeah.
"Late at night, when most people were asleep, I sent orders to the chief
engineer of the No. 10 steamer to have the steam up at five on the
following morning.
"April 20. - We started punctually at the appointed hour; my diahbeeah,
as usual, being towed by the steamer.