The gardens had produced abundantly, and the troops were all
in excellent health and good discipline. On Mondays and Fridays they
were exercised at light-infantry drill for several hours. Every man had
his post, which he occupied like lightning when the bugle suddenly
sounded the alarm. The "Forty Thieves" held the rock citadel, as they
could fire over the heads of those in the camp without fear of accident.
The night alarm sounded unexpectedly, and as I went the rounds, every
man was at his quarters without a whisper. The cleanliness and general
order of the camp were perfect.
I now associated with the natives as a hunter. It was in this capacity
that I had first won their hearts many years ago. We were so short of
meat that I began to feel the necessity that first turned the hand of
savage man against the beasts of the forest.
The chase throughout the Shooli country was carried on as a profession,
and was conducted by general rules under an admirable organization.
The favourite method of hunting was by means of nets. Every man in the
country was provided with a net of strong cord. This was twelve yards
long, and about eleven feet deep, if stretched to its maximum. The
meshes were about six inches square. There was no promiscuous
net-hunting, but the chief of the district organized the chase in the
following manner: