I accompanied him to the spot, and certainly the tree was there, with
some pieces of ragged bark-cloth and some grass tied to the stem. I had
often seen talismans that were fastened to the trees, and I suggested to
Abdullah that there were many of them along the road. He was so
confident in accepting every responsibility as guide, that I followed
him without hesitation, and the march continued. The wounded Faddul was
supported as before.
In a short time I myself recognized the path as being very near to
Kisoona, which place we suddenly entered after a march of thirty-five
minutes from the potato field. The advance-guard fired a volley at some
natives, who rushed into the grass upon our unexpected arrival.
We were now in open ground, with good native huts for shelter, and a
large extent of cultivation, where an unlimited supply of potatoes could
be obtained.
As the rear-guard closed up, I mustered all officers and men. Having
spoken a few words of encouragement, and complimented them upon their
extreme steadiness since I had lectured them at Chorobeze, I
congratulated them upon having advanced so far, under God's protection,
through such numberless enemies, with comparatively so little loss.