These active and plucky lads now ran nimbly from hut to hut, and one
slight touch of the strong fire of the blue lights was sufficient to
insure the ignition of the straw dwellings.
I now sent a party of fifteen sniders, under Lieutenant Ferritch Agha,
one of my most courageous officers, with a supply of blue lights, to set
fire, to the town on our left flank, and to push on to the spot where
the missing Monsoor and Ferritch had fired their rifles.
Every arrangement having been rapidly carried out, the boys and a few
men continued to fire the houses on our right flank; and giving the
order to advance, our party of sixteen rushed forward into the town.
The right and left flanks were now blazing, and the flames were roaring
before the wind. I heard the rattling fire of the sniders under Ferritch
Agha on our left, and knowing that both flanks were now thoroughly
secured by the conflagration, we dashed straight for Kabba Rega's
principal residences and court, driving the enemy before us. Colonel
Abd-el-Kader was an excellent officer in action. We quickly surrounded
Kabba Rega's premises, and set fire to the enormous straw buildings on
all sides.
If he had been at home he would have had a warm reception, but the young
coward had fled with all his women before the action had commenced,
together with the magic bamba or throne, and the sacred drum.