These rascals suddenly rushed out and speared him to death.
The man screamed so loudly before he died, that a number of soldiers
rushed to his assistance from the camp, but they were only in time to
bring in his body.
This was at 4 P.M., and I observed natives armed, who were hovering
about on all sides.
I sounded the bugle, and attacked them without delay, destroying several
stockades. It is impossible to come to any terms with such treacherous
people. In spite of my kindness and wish to do good and to benefit their
country, they requite me with the murder of any unarmed man whom they
can find.
"September 29. - I attacked a position on the mountain. Having fired
several rockets from the base, into a station about 350 feet above, I
ordered the troops to advance from two sides. My men scrambled quickly
up the rocks and destroyed the station.
"September 30. - A few days ago, the soldiers purposely burnt several
granaries full of corn, and threatened to kill Sherroom and Morgian, my
Bari interpreters, if they should report the act to me, saying, 'If the
corn is finished, we shall all go back to Khartoum.'"
"This proves that the old spirit against the expedition still exists.