the new sheik, then addressed me in the name of the assembly, and begged
me to establish confidence and goodwill by returning them their cattle.
I had expected this request. I therefore replied, that as they had
attended my summons and promised obedience, I would test their sincerity
by returning them not only their own cattle, but I would trust them with
the care of my three large breeding cows which I had brought from the
Rohr country; at the same time, I gave them fair warning, that if they
broke the agreement now entered upon, I should not be in a hurry to
return their cattle on a future occasion. They seemed to be, quite
satisfied, and the meeting broke up.
They drove off the herd, together with my three cows, while my soldiers
looked on with utter amazement and regarded me as thought I had lost my
Although I had entered into this agreement, the natives had not the
slightest idea of carrying out their promises. A few bundles of bamboos
were brought, also some thatch-grass, but not an ox was given to the
troops. The sheik of Belinian had refused to appear; and he alleged as
an excuse that he feared treachery, since his father and family had been
murdered when guests of Abou Saood.