The pipe then draws leisurely, the smoke ascends in steady
clouds, while he listens to the arguments of the other side. There is no
necessity for a too sudden reply. Even if the conversation has ceased,
the pipe may be calmly smoked, while the facts of the case are arranged
in the owner's mind before he commits himself to an answer.
In the present instance nobody spoke, but the Koordi governor of Fashoda
smoked steadily. Presently Quat Kare fixed his eyes upon him with a
steady and determined stare, but with his usual immovable features, and
he thus silently regarded him during several minutes. "Have I found
thee, O mine enemy?" might have been the Shillook king's idea, but he
kept silence.
How long this tableau vivant would have continued it is impossible to
say, therefore I proceeded to business by asking the governor if he knew
Quat Kare by sight? He only replied "yes."
At this reply, the king, without altering his position or expression,
said, "Then who am I?"
The Koordi raised his eyes for the first time, and looked at Quat Kare,
but said nothing; he only puffed - the pipe did not seem to draw well. At
length a fair volume of smoke was emitted, and the Koordi answered by a