In The Heart Of Africa By Sir Samuel W. Baker 
 -  It was with extreme emotion that I
enjoyed this glorious scene. My wife, who had followed me so devotedly,
stood - Page 293
In The Heart Of Africa By Sir Samuel W. Baker - Page 293 of 337 - First - Home

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It Was With Extreme Emotion That I Enjoyed This Glorious Scene.

My wife, who had followed me so devotedly, stood by my side pale and exhausted - a wreck upon the shores of the great Albert Lake that we had so long striven to reach.

No European foot had ever trod upon its sand, nor had the eyes of a white man ever scanned its vast expanse of water. We were the first; and this was the key to the great secret that even Julius Caesar yearned to unravel, but in vain. Here was the great basin of the Nile that received EVERY DROP OF WATER, even from the passing shower to the roaring mountain torrent that drained from Central Africa toward the north. This was the great reservoir of the Nile!

The first coup d'oeil from the summit of the cliff 1500 feet above the level had suggested what a closer examination confirmed. The lake was a vast depression far below the general level of the country, surrounded by precipitous cliffs, and bounded on the west and south-west by great ranges of mountains from five to seven thousand feet above the level of its waters - thus it was the one great reservoir into which everything MUST drain; and from this vast rocky cistern the Nile made its exit, a giant in its birth. It was a grand arrangement of nature for the birth of so mighty and important a stream as the river Nile. The Victoria N'yanza of Speke formed a reservoir at a high altitude, receiving a drainage from the west by the Kitangule River; and Speke had seen the M'fumbiro Mountain at a great distance as a peak among other mountains from which the streams descended, which by uniting formed the main river Kitangule, the principal feeder of the Victoria Lake from the west, in about 2 degrees S. latitude.

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